La nostra Compagnia

Da anni STR Studio Rinnovabili è presente sul mercato delle energie rinnovabili. Una realtà che nel tempo ha saputo imporsi nel settore puntando all’ottimizzazione dei processi di sviluppo; progettazione, consulenza impiantistica ed energetica.

I nostri orari

La nostra Compagnia

Da anni STR Studio Rinnovabili è presente sul mercato delle energie rinnovabili. Una realtà che nel tempo ha saputo imporsi nel settore puntando all’ottimizzazione dei processi di sviluppo; progettazione, consulenza impiantistica ed energetica.

I nostri orari


Fire prevention practices

Professionalism, speedy response and low costs for your fire design.

Fire design and prevention

Our professionals provide support in the design and implementation phase of each activity in accordance with the objectives of fire prevention and protection.

At the completion of the service – in all types of fire-fighting system – we offer assistance and maintenance of devices and/or installations with permanently updated qualified technical staff.

Fire advice and practices

Our fire services:

Advice and practices

- Technological development and fire brigade practices, CPI.
- We develop fire-fighting projects for all categories.
-Include fire SCIA as required by legislation.
-Applications for renewal requests.
- Assistance in drafting requests for derogation.

Fire engineering

- Prescriptive or performance methods to build new buildings or adapt existing buildings.
- Global and local fire resistance checks for reinforced concrete, c.a.p., steel, wood, masonry.

Fire protection systems

- Design of fire-fighting systems with a cost-benefit assessment.
- Design activities for detection systems and smoke and heat evacuation systems.